Catch The Vision for Something New

When you pray for someone in Jesus’ name, you release a path before them either by opening a path that was in the wilderness or making a path that was never there. Praying actually releases the power of God to move over someone’s life or life’s circumstances.

When we as believers pray, we release God’s authority to move over that word spoken into a person, place, or thing. Sometimes our authority speaks things into being or creates a solution that was not available before. Creative solutions brought about in prayer reveal creative answers by God.

When we pray, we are not simply speaking words. We are saying commands, or orders to be carried out. Our power is rooted in our Father God. We are not the answers or solutions, we participate with what God is doing, all over the earth.

So pray. Pray with believers. Pray with unbelievers, pray with strangers, pray with brothers and sisters, pray with and for everything that needs God’s power released over it. Pray for the sick, pray for the dying, and pray for the dead. Our work is not to make the miracles happen, it is to release the miracles of God over the earth.

“Every valley shall be lifted up, and every mountain and hill be made low;
the uneven ground shall become level, and the rough places a plain. And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed,
and all flesh shall see it together, for the mouth of the LORD has spoken.” Isaiah 40:4-5

Further reading: Isaiah 35

By: The Vander Hyden’s